Professional Fiction Editing for Authors

Hi! I'm Hali and I help authors with fiction editing and proofreading services. I'll work with you to polish your prose and bring out the best in your story.

The Power of Editing

Editing isn't just about fixing typos or rearranging sentences; it's about unlocking the true potential of your writing. Just like how a sculptor chisels away at a block of marble to reveal a masterpiece, editing shapes and refines your words to create a polished and impactful piece of art.
black typewriter
black typewriter

Editing Provides:


Imagine reading a book where the author switches from first person to third person, or changes the name of a character halfway through. Jarring, right? Editing maintains consistency in your tone, style, and formatting, creating a seamless reading experience.

Clarity & Coherence

Ever read something and felt like you were wading through a murky swamp of words? Editing clears away the fog, allowing your story to shine through with clarity. Smooth out any bumps in the road, iron out plot problems, and fine-tune the pacing so your readers stay hooked from beginning to end.


Consider editing as the final extra flourish before stepping onto a grand stage. It's that added finesse that communicates to your readers that you're dedicated, serious, and deeply committed to your craft as a fiction writer.

Your Trusty Partner on this Literary Journey

If there's one thing I'm more passionate about than a freshly brewed cup of tea, it's helping authors like you bring their stories to life. With a keen eye for detail and a passion for storytelling, I'll work with you as a partner to edit and proofread your manuscript. Together we’ll make sure it shines brightly, ready to captivate readers from the very first page.